Mastering the sculptural hyperrealism to show subjective aspects is one of the defining features of the work of Miguel Ángel Vigo. His sculpture is rough and subtle, with a finish that demonstrate his expertise on materials and textures. A sculpture that leads us to think about new materials but are made of plaster or stone. Sculptures also have their own props reaching facilities raise them as their own furniture or clothes, creating specific scenes with very different meanings.
This specificity of the sculpture was moved to his drawings and paintings, which does not lose the importance of dimensionality and hyperrealism revisited in pencil and color in a simple but successful way. Perfection seen makes he underline the importance of sleep in his series of Sleepers. It deals with the role of dreams from many different prisms, from who observes the sleeper as such who imagine their dreams and tries to delve into their minds.
JustMadrid. 2013
“Miguel Ángel Vigo. Ciclo Correos con el Arte”.Santiago de Compostela. 2014
“Durmientes”, galería de arte A. de fuga. Santiago de Compostela. 2012
“Inside”. Arzúa. 2011
“Trazos, anacos e bosquexos”. Concello de Santiago de Compostela. Centro cultural O ensanche,
Santiago. 2010
“Los mil hijos de hypnos”. Art Deal Project. Barcelona. 2014
Artistas emerxentes de Galicia e Portugal. Conselleria de Cultura da Xunta de Galicia. Exposición
colectiva.Tuy. 2009
Hotel Obradoiro.Colectiva.Santiago 2007
Pazo da Cultura. Exposición colectiva. Boiro 2005
Galería 2002. Exposición colectiva. Rianxo 2004
Artistas xóvenes. Rianxo 2004
Arte Mostra 2005. Exposición colectiva. Padrón 2005
Arte Mostra 2004. Exposición colectiva. Padrón 2004
Arte Mostra 2003. Exposición colectiva .Padrón 2003
Exposición colectiva en Munzinger (Alemania). Munzinger. 2002
Arte Mostra 2002. Exposición colectiva.Padrón 2002
Arte Mostra 2001. Exposición colectiva.Padrón 2001
Licenciado en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Vigo. 2009
Ciclo Superior de Escultura. 2002
Curso de escultura. Centro Fachschules Für Steinmetze/Steinbildhaver, en Friburgo, Alemania.
Año 2002
Curso de ilustración y narración gráfica. Impartido por Miguel Ánxo Prado. Asociación
Pedagógica Gallega. Año 2004.
Primer premio en el concurso internacional de escultura Europäische Steinmetz Tage. 2002