Fabrizio Bianchini es un artista visual que centra su trabajo de una forma casi antropológica en los comportamientos y sentimientos de los habitantes de las grandes urbes. Con una estética cercana al cómic y al expresionismo, su forma de entender la pintura es multisensorial, dotando a sus piezas de sonido ambiental que trabaja para envolver al espectador reproduciendo el ruido y volumen de la ciudad en la que trabaja.
Los movimientos migratorios y vacacionales, la convivencia y sociabilización de los diferentes grupos autóctonos y foráneos que se desarrollan en las ciudades centran sus lienzos y murales. De la misma manera que cada ciudad tiene su luz, Fabrizio nos demuestra en sus pinturas sonoras que cada espacio tiene su sonido característico, tanto por sus ruidos e idiomas como por sus decibelios, que la definen como única. Traslada así una experiencia multi-sensorial fruto del profundo conocimiento sobre cada ciudad que visita y estudia. El suyo es un street art comprendido de manera global como un reflejo de la experiencia de callejear, tanto por la temática como por la estética y tratamiento de la realidad de las ciudades como entes vivos, como colectividades con identidad propia.
Solo show:
Art Window, Barcelona (Spain) June
Mural in Olab center, Barcelona (Spain) June
Mural in Barcelona (Spain) June
Group exhibition:
WeArt Festival Barcelona
Opening Urban Art Festival,
Distillery District, Toronto (Canada) August
Mural in Brescia (Italy) August
Mural in Toronto (Canada) September
Funded by City of Toronto
Mural in Santiago (Cuba) January
Part of the X Biennial Internos
- Project-investigation with Simon Coleman
and Valentina Napolitano, anthropologists September 2011-March 2012
of University of Toronto on immigrant communities
and the way to relate with urban space and religion
Funded by Jackman Humanities Institute
And Centre for Diaspora and Transnational
Studies, Toronto
- Project-investigation in collaboration with Mirta May 2010-March 2012
De mare Gallery, curated by Javier Villa
Citizens and justice leaded up to a multidisciplinary
Exhibition in the city of Rotterdam and in the Court of
Justice of Rotterdam
Funded by Multifaith Center
and University of Toronto
Solo exhibition:
Court of Justice, Rotterdam January-March
Manifesto Community Project, Toronto
Project-investigation with 2 anthropologists April
of University of Toronto
Funded by CBK Rotterdam
Group exhibition:
RudolphV Galerie
Amsterdam (The Netherlands) December/January 2013
Regent park arts & Cultural Centre REOI
Toronto (Canada) September/January 2013
Nuit blange, Joe Fresh and StreetArt
Showcase project
Toronto (Canada) September
Mural in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) May/June
Funded by City of Rotterdam and Vestia
Guest artist in Stichting N.a.c. May
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Mural in Charlois, Rotterdam April
Funded by City of Rotterdam and Vestia
Mural in Tilburg January
AFSH Den Bosch (Holland) April
Travelling art company
Solo exhibition:
Ks21 Galerie May
Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Rudolph V Galerie March
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Hommes Gallery March
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Kap pur galerie January
Tilburg (The Netherlands)
Selected as Professional
artists in CBK archive May
Guest artist in Residence CK12 September
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Solo exhibition:
Galerie Van de Water October
Eindhoven (The Netherlands)
B.a.D. Foundation June
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Group exhibition:
Duende Sthichting June
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
B.a.D. Foundation March
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Guest artist in Foundation Nac January/June
And in B.a.D. Foundation May and June
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Solo exhibition:
Galleria dell’ombra October
Brescia (Italy)
Hotel Palace Laietana October
Barcelona (Spain)
Galería Artevistas April
Barcelona (Spain)
Group exhibition
Yellowfish Gallery October
Montreal (Canada)
Galería Art Window May
Barcelona (Spain)
Galería Artevistas June
Barcelona (Spain)
Winner competition Eurostars Hotels October
Barcelona (Spain)
Solo exhibition:
C. c. Convent de Sant Agustí December
Barcelona (Spain)
Group exhibition:
Circulo Artístico Sant LLuc June
Barcelona (Spain)
Finalist prize Fundación Esprohident August
Jerez de la Frontera (Spain)